
Universal Studios Hollywood for Youngsters

Universal Studios Hollywood for Youngsters

You’ll find G-rated thrills in the film studio-turned-theme park

Thought Universal Studios Hollywood was just for film buffs and thrill seekers? Not so. There’s lots of family fun there. Start on the Upper Lot for encounters with friends like Scooby Doo and SpongeBob and to play Krusty’s carnival games in the Simpson’s hometown of Springfield. But the Minion-themed Super Silly Fun Land is where kids will really go bananas, or go wild on The Secret Life of Pets Off the Leash ride. There are dry and wet play zones (they can splash in more than 80 water features), arcade games, and a Silly Swirly Fun Ride that takes them high above the hoopla.

For a break from the action, take a seat at the Dreamworks Theatre Featuring Kung Fu Panda, where wind, mist, and moving seats make an adventure with the movie characters come to life. (Note: Your child may prefer a stationary chair.)

Mom and Dad can still go toe-to-toe with Jurassic World's T-Rex or take the heart-pumping descent into the depths of the Revenge of the Mummy’s terrifying tomb—all without scaring the training pants off their tots. The park’s “child switch” policy means that your little one can wait with one parent in a designated room near the front of the line while the other gets an adrenaline fix. Then, grown-ups can switch, with the second skipping to the front of the line.

Even if the kids aren’t tall enough to ride Jurassic World–The Ride, they will love the neighboring Dino Play area, where they can check out a full-size T. rex skull, dig for dinosaur fossils, and climb on the plank bridge and jungle play structure. 

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